Monday, August 6, 2007

Why Wiki ?

For thing #16, I found the following wikis extremely informative:

Several months ago, we decided to give wikis a try, and two extremely resourceful librarians set it up and we started using it. We thought it would be more useful than the constant flow of e-mail but we discovered early on that, unless we set the wiki up to notify us of new postings, we never looked at the wiki. We also thought that the page set up was difficult to use. Our branch wiki has been tweaked several times and we are now using it to build Branch Meeting Agendas, for Brunch Sign up and recipe posting and for Branch Happenings.

I much prefer e-mail for ease of use and quick turnaround time. I love my blog but find that often I write in a vacuum. I think I could really get hooked on My Space or Facebook, if any of my friends used this.

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